What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a very popular, machine-assisted skin-exfoliating treatment. In Femmalium MED SPA are two types of microdermabrasion: diamond and corundum. Each one of these treatments is safe, non-invasive, comfortable. Recommended for people of all ages.

Corundum Microdermabrasion

It is a type of mechanical peeling carried out in a vacuum using sterile corundum crystals. Crystals of high velocity strike the surface of the skin, cleansing dead cells and debris. With the removal of the upper layers of the epidermis, new, nutritious cells multiply. They replace the damaged skin, leading to its renewal. The treatment stimulates the natural growth of cells, increasing the amount of collagen and elastin in dermis.

Diamond Microdermabrasion

 Diamond Microdermabrasion is a professional exfoliation treatment. Surgical grade, micron size diamonds are encrusted on the tip of a handheld wand. The wand is attached to a suction machine. As the wand passes over the skin the diamonds remove dead skin cells and the machine hoovers up congestion from the pores. The diamond encrusted wand gently polishes off dead skin cells revealing skin that glows and looks more youthful and fresh.


-skin cancer

-skin inflammation



-cavernous angioma





Price list
microdermabrasion face + neck150
microdermabrasion + face + neck + decolletage190
microdermaabrasion as addition to beauty treatment face +neck + decolletage140
microdermabrasion as addition to beauty treatment face + neck100
microdermabrasion with skin care ampoule & algae mask face + neck + decolletage250
microdermabrasion with skin care ampoule & algae mask face + neck210
microdermabrasion with massage, skin care ampoule & algae mask face + neck240
microdermabrasion with massage, skin care ampoule & algae mask face + neck + decollatege280